Career Opportunities

Select Ortho Core Values

We believe in and practice 8 essential Core Values that help us fulfill our promises to our clients, their patients, and our teammates.

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At Select Ortho, we are committed to finding and hiring top-quality talent who have a passion for helping others.

Our compensation program has been carefully designed to attract highly motivated, growth, and performance-driven talent who are empathetic, passionate about helping patients, innovative, and forward-thinking.

  • Medical plans that include optional HDHP with HSA, Dental & Vision, and Employee Assistance & Wellness programs

  • Flexible Spending Account

  • Basic Life and Accident Insurance

  • Generous Paid Vacation Time allowances

  • Paid company holidays

  • 401(k) with Company match

  • Optional Voluntary Life and Disability plans

  • Employee Rewards Program

We’re always interested in hearing from professionals with a background in athletic training, orthotics and brace fitting, pedorthics, DME compliance, and DME billing. Reach out and apply now by choosing a posted position or using the form below.

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